
Friday, October 16, 2009

Come join me on my Bible Study Blog

I've been wanting to do this for awhile, and I guess today's the day. Thinking, praying, and considering this has finally given way to actually doing it.  "A Day in the Life" is born. When this title was given to me, I realized there were a few other blogs with this same title, but this is what I was led to use, so if you link up to me here, be sure to see that I have added Common Ground to the url. This will hopefully be somewhat interactive. I am encouraging you to sign on as a follower here at the beginning. I'm going to be sharing with you what God is sharing with me. So without further explanation, come on over to my new blog site. I have a more in depth concept going on there with my first post. I have a link on my side bar to make this easy.
OK, see ya there!


  1. You are soooo sweet, I'll go check it out too. Have a blessed day!

  2. I too have felt guilty for all the time I've spent blogging when I should have been in prayer. I admire you greatly for doing this, Debra.

  3. You have a wonderful blog....very inspiring....Just out blog hopping on tonight...really should be working... Hope you will stop by my Christmas blog and leave your favorite Christmas song...and enter a great giveaway. Also, a birthday letter to my daughter on my main blog...

  4. Hey Debra. I'm looking forward to going over and checking it out. I've been wanting to be involved with a bible study and lately it has really been on my mind. I think God leads people to other people. Thank you for sharing this.
    Hugs... Tracy :)

  5. I'll be interested in seeing how this develops!

  6. Fabulous idea! I see you are in Missouri....Oh! how I miss the area and the people! Love the photos of the raven in the birdcage! Love your blog!

  7. Hi Debra~ Thanks for your kind comment on the loss of our sweet kitty. It means so much! ~Mandy

  8. Hey Dear Debra. I just wanted to thank you for your kind comments me being under the weather. My backs much better. It feels wonderful knowing that your cared for. I consider you a dear friend.
    Have a beautiful Sunday...Tracy

  9. great idea, cannot wait to read more!


  10. Hi Debra
    So glad you stopped by and thanks for the comment.
    It is good to be back and I see you are starting something new, good for you
    I will be over to check it out

  11. It is certainly interesting for me to read this blog. Thank author for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to them. I would like to read more soon.


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