
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Easy Neutral Decor in the Entry

This post is about 2 or 3 weeks behind schedule, since everyone is moving on to Valentine's Day decor. I think there are a lot of us who like to use our blog as a visual diary of our projects and decorating. So even though it's time to add in a little Valentine's this week, I want to share January's Entry and Dining Room with you all.

The Entry Console didn't change too much from December. I had wanted a neutral palette for Christmas here, so I changed up the print, the ribbon on the urn of Paperwhites, and then took down the antique white wreath that I purchased this year. Just removing a few "Christmas" pieces, took it to a neutral January woodsy feel that I wanted.

I have a timer here for our lamp in the Entry, so I always have to consider what I put down here on the shelf. It's not very pretty, with several wires and dials, so I like to hide it if I can. Using this old painted wicker basket filled with moss, twigs, and nests covered up most of it.

I also kept the little metal lamb on a bookstack inside the small metal sans glass conservatory.

The large PB lantern stayed here on the table, but I changed out the Christmas runner in Tartan Plaid and Holly for a neutral design in several shades of taupes and grays. I always enjoy bringing out the plaids in red and green, but then I'm always ready to pack it all away and bring back a more fresh and calm look.

I combined my large cement and smaller wooden candleholders on either side.

My Little Lambs have been wintering here in the China Cabinet.

I kept the smaller lanterns on the bookstacks and the mercury glass votives, just removing the vintage Christmas ornaments and greenery.

I had set the larger cement candlesticks on vintage books either side of the lantern on the table, but Hubbs said that they looked like a very unfortunate accident waiting to happen, so I nixed that idea.

My favorite lamb painting.

January can be a little bland in here, but as I'm hunting down my few Valentine's goodies to display I can guarantee a little color coming up!

Ready for February?
me too.

joining in here:


  1. I really do like and enjoy seeing your beautiful decor, but there are so many ads between your pictures that I find it very distracting. The ads are also repeated on the sidebar, so are not necessary to be inserted within post. Is there anything you can do about that?

    1. Hi Elizabeth, I have gone back to my settings and readjusted the frequency of the ads within the posts.(Settings are often re-set at quarter evaluations automatically.) Each advertising co. does it differently. I only have so much control, but I've tried to limit them. I use lots of photos in my posts, so that's often how they gauge where to place an ad.

  2. Love your lambs and lamb paintings and your blog! I always enjoy it!

  3. I'm beginning to think the blogging world has nothing to do with 'real' And I love the peace and tranquility you are providing with these lovely 'diary' posts of your home. Real, is real. If that makes sense.
    I'm beginning to think, we should go back to marking time, by the moon instead of the calendar of 'holidays' and 'today is national chocolate cake day'...though I did have chocolate cake...!LOL

    1. YUM! National Chocolate Cake Day is a holiday I could really get into celebrating. thanks so much for the comment!

  4. I am looking forward to February! I never know exactly how to decorate my door after Christmas or anything for that matter. I have gapping holes anxiously awaiting hearts. lol.

  5. This is all so pretty, Debra! I love the little conservatory...and the wonderful gray shutters! The paperwhites look beautiful!

  6. Love all the white in your home for January. I've given my self until Feb 1st to take down the rest of Christmas. Seems it went by way too fast and Spring/Easter will be here before you know it!

  7. I love everything, Debra. Not one thing escaped my eye. Lots of inspiration, especially in your foyer pics.

    Glad you were able to back track. I'm still putting away some Christmas, but you know---it's slow going when you are sick and can't even boil a kettle for tea. Hopefully I'll come up for air soon.

    Love to you, my friend,


  8. You know I love it all, especially those sheep (that lamb on nest - !♥). I'm not super crazy for Valentine's, but the fact that February is one month closer to spring is all good in my book. You know, Debra, I found a cord cover at Lowes that was long enough to cover my DR chandy cord, as well as on that's visible in my open floor in my TV area (I just cut the length to suit me). It's got velcro, a neutral nubby silk, easy to wrap the cords. You might be able to find one for that entry that bothers you (but you've masked it well).

  9. I also like to wait for Valentine decor. I enjoy white, silver, and blue in January. I use lots of timers for my holiday decor and can easily push the manual button for other times I want the lights on.


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