
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Vegging Out and Some Late Summer Colors...

I'm feeling a little Fall in the air and the color of the sky.
So I've changed up a few things here in the Kitchen Sitting Area,
one of my favorite places to be...

I've said this before, but I'm going to say it again... we are making blogging too hard! I don't want to feel like I have to go to Instagram or even Facebook just because I can't spend a whole day on a blog post. I just can't do that anymore, but I still have some fun things to share and maybe a few pics for inspiration. How 'bout you all? Why do we feel like we have to run some kind of marathon and write a book instead of just having a fun little post on what we're doing today?

I brought out my late Summer quilts and colors for the wicker here in the Kitchen Sitting Room, and added a few different pillows and some Sunflowers. I don't have an indepth expose on Late Summer, or quilts or homemade pillows... I just want to share a little poster with veggies on it and enjoy the fat ticking pillow my husband's grandmother made for us when we got married. 

I'ts nothing fancy or earth shattering...but I want to do it here. We've lost so many wonderful bloggers because they don't have time, or the inclination to spend days on a post. They have families and a life. And they just want to enjoy sharing their ideas and surroundings 
without being judged by comparison.
There are so many times I'd just like to pop in and say...
"this is what I'm doing today, come and enjoy it with me".

We're making blogging too complicated with our expectations and comparisons.. I don't want to do that. I need my life to be simple. I just want to say hello to my friends and share a smile or a giggle. I know I'll post more often if there's not a lot of expectation for "knock your socks off" fabulousness.

So here's a fun vintage look poster I picked up awhile back, I didn't have a frame big enough, so it went on the old door. And I like using golds and reds and mixing and matching this time of year. Nothing you haven't seen before, but I just want to drop in and visit... I've worn myself out writing about health issues this last week, now I just want to relax. (Insert Happy Face Here!!)


joining in at:


  1. Debra,
    Mission accomplished, dear friend!
    I still l o v e to blog!
    My blog is a small blog,
    filled with the adventures of life where "Mr. Ed" and I reside.
    And. . .I wouldn't want it any other way!(wink!)
    I love your space, the poster and that you share what makes you hApPy!
    The poster looks amazing on the door!
    Share your story, whatever it may be.
    Wishing you glorious days ahead filled with renewed hope and great joy!

  2. Loved todays post! I really love the short blog post because then I get to read all the blogs that I read! I don't have a blog and still don't understand the competition thing! Love this kitchen area and the poster--would love to find a copy too!! Hugs and hope you are feeling better--one day at a time! Hugs..

    1. Hi Jeannie, It's a Cavallini poster, and they may have it online somewhere. thank you, I'm still a work in progress! xo

  3. Hi Debra,
    I agree with you completely about just blogging. When I started to blog in 2009, it was a simpler time. This year I turned 75, and I like to play with my dishes and write about self-care. I am in the last quarter of life LOL, and I just want to enjoy each day and read inspiring blogs like yours. Keep writing your wonderful posts and I will keep praying that you will have the quality of life you deserve.

  4. How refreshing! I don't blog,, but do subscribe to many and am completely over bloggers wanting me to jump through multiple hoops on their blogs just to help build their businesses. It's not enjoyable anymore which led me to unsubscribe many. Thank you for being 'real'. I keep coming back. Have a Blessed day.

  5. I love little changes, Debra. Keep posting! It's about feeling good (or not so good), feeling accomplished (or tired) - however YOU define it. We, your reader friends, appreciate that. I am not into blogging as a business, but for a circle of like-minded friends to have conversation with (and to keep my out of town sister up-to-date on changes in our booth spaces). Period.

  6. As far as the blogs go, the simpler the better in my humble opinion. Your rooms are some of my favorite and I wish each time I could style my home a little bit better. You are super inspiration. I don't know how women find the time to do a nearly daily blog post. I used to put our vacations on a blog for my friends at home to see, and it took hours each evening...late into the night while hubby was snoring in the RV bedroom. I appreciate that people do this on a regular basis for our benefit.

  7. Debra, well said! It is obvious that your blog comes from your heart and soul - very authentic! Thank you for sharing and not allowing your blog to become an obvious grab for money.

  8. This was so refreshing. I have a blog. Small and relatively new and I love the sharing aspect of it but not all of the other hoopla, well let's just say it makes me tired sometimes. I hope you continue to enjoy sharing because I've enjoyed following you long before I pushed my first "post" button.

  9. Let me say I love your blog. I find many blogs very intimidating. Looking at the photos gives me such an inferiority complex. I see the large beautiful homes and then look at mine through dissatisfied eyes. I need to tell myself that my home is fine. Fine-the word one uses instead of just OK.Friends tell me my home is lovely and inviting. I like those adjectives but don't really see it. So the point of all of this is do what you love, share what you love andmost of all be real.

  10. Love this post. That is why I started reading blogs. Just to share not compare. Wishing you a beautiful day!

  11. Love the yellow quilt. I am with you, I love to blog, but don't care to do it on FB or instagram or even pinterest.

  12. Hi Debra. Fall does seem to be in the air at times, and I, although I really don't like to wish 'time' away, am ready for it. I really do believe it is my favorite season. Your quilt and poster make your spot feel so cozy and comfy, and that really is what fall is about. I never plan to make any money on my posts, but I really love blogging. Maybe I am a narrcisist (don't know how to spell it) but I am proud of my little cottage and love to show it off and all that goes on in and around it. That is why I blog and telling little bits of the story makes me happy. BTW, FB makes me crazy!! Hope you are feeling better..Judy

  13. When I started blogging it was to share and learn from and with others. I hope that doesn't change. It doesn't take too long in the blogworld to understand who the 'real' people are and those with other motives. Yes, relax and enjoy--or it isn't worth it.

    Love your yellow quilt and that adorable corner in your room. I just know you can curl up in that corner with a good book or your favorite magazine. Just waiting to inspire us all when the muse hits---for there is no forcing the MUSE.
    LOL, Sandi

  14. I love your little corner with the settee and quilt......such a great place to relax and enjoy the afternoon. The little veggie poster is so cute and I like how you have it just tacked to the door!!!! I have been struggling with whether to keep blogging or just give it up for a while now. I hate that it has become all about money and the pop up boxes and banners are just beyond annoying. My favorite blogs are those that keep it real and don't style every single photo like it is in a magazine.
    Have a great evening :o)

  15. Your charming cozy corner looks so inviting with the beautiful yellow quilt, sunflowers, and watering cans. The quilt looks especially nice with it coming down to the cross-hatch wicker weaving on the loveseat. And your ticking pillow finishes it off beautifully! I'm not crazy about long blog posts with loads and loads of photographs--I like your blog length and all your creative decorating ideas. They are always inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Hello dear Debra... love this little chat this morning, the way blogging USED to be when I so enjoyed it!... I love seeing your everyday things that make you happy... love love the ticking pillow made especially for you and your hubby, so priceless!... as you know, I no longer blog, mainly for the reasons you spoke of... I do not want to "compete" or be "trendy" or "stage" my home... I guess that's why I am enjoying Instagram... I post a little photo or two of my day, like making pickels the other day, and saying Hello to everyone... nothing fancy... reminds me of my mama and her two best friends sitting at our kitchen table sipping coffee and chatting before they started their day... perhaps sharing a new recipe or something they had crocheted, etc.... I still visit my favorite blogs, like yours... and enjoy every minute of the real ones!... I feel fall in the air here too... mornings are nice and cool now on our nature walk and I even wear a flannel shirt now!... fall is my favorite time of year!... thank you for being "you" always!... and enjoy your kitchen sitting area... and your cute vintage look poster!... wish I was sitting there sipping a cup with you!... love you, xoxo... Julie Marie

  17. Love what you have done!...yes, now just take care of yourself!!!

  18. I always love coming to your blog and finding inspiration. Thank you for sharing at SYC!
    xx Jo

  19. Those colors definitely say Fall to me. That is such a pretty quilt and cute artwork. I often post, on Instagram, little things that I'm doing during the day. I do admit that I feel compelled to have something more interesting to blog about so I use Instagram more than blogs. It's so quick to use and so fun to look at all the pics from everyone else. It's like flipping through a magazine. I still read blogs and enjoying blogging, though, so that's not going away. I'm sure all of your health posts helped someone going through similar issues too.

  20. I felt relieved when I read you post to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'd rather share my life in it simplest way...sometimes when I go to do a post I stop because I think I have to glam it all I don't because theres life to live which is more important as I get older. The blogs I follow, such as yours, is more about connecting than impressing and getting to know the person...and them me. Love the colors and I don't want to think of fall yet.

  21. Debra, I love the poster! It's something I would have picked up as well. Love your cozy spot for relaxing! I have never spent a long time on a post. I just take photos, edit a little and then post. I know a couple of people that said it took them 3 hours or more to do a post. Forget that! Life is too short to spend hours. I agree, just have fun with it. I don't try to compete with others and I feel that bloggers will either like me or not. :) Love seeing what you are up to and appreciate you sharing with SYC.

  22. This is adorable. Debra, yours was one of the first blogs that I found and fell in love with. I love following you and will come back for short quick posts. It is hard these days because there is so much competition. I want my blog to be about inspiration, the reality of my life and my stories. The thing that is wearing me down is the magazine quality photos. That is what is taking up so much of my time. We have lost so many bloggers. I'd hate for you to be one of them. Let's bring back blogging the way it used to be. I'll come back for any little snippet you want to share.

  23. Finally a blogger that doesn't leave the readers wondering if they're ok because there are no recent posts on their blog, not realizing that they're posting to Instagram and Facebook but not on their blog. I don't follow Instagram nor Facebook. I check the blog and if there's no new post, I don't have a luxury of extra time going to the other venues to look for new posts.
    I don't think I've commented before but I had to "applaud" you for this post.
    I so enjoy your blog and have been very inspired by your uplifting words many times and your devotion to God in spite of your circumstances.
    I love your decorating style and look forward to each post. Keep up the good work! Praying for your complete healing.


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