
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A "Word" for the New Year

Some of you may know this, others of you that are new over here, may not. I have another little blog where I share more of "me". It's a place where I share my thoughts on life, and God, and on our relationship with Him. I like to say "it's not your grandmother's Bible Study.", because it's real, and it's relevant, and hopefully not "preachy". Just some insight from God's Word for our daily lives.

I'd been away from it for six months due to my husband's illness, but God has been nudging me this last week to post. So, I'm just letting you know that I'm still posting over there, even though I've been on "break" for awhile. If you read my post here on Common Ground about "The year that was...2012", then I share some of those thoughts on this first post of the New Year. This is just a little invitation, hope you'll come by and get to know who I am on a little deeper level. I have a whole other life than taking pictures of pretty little things.
I'm sharing this post at The Lettered Cottage


  1. Thanks so much for being willing to share more of yourself Debra...I know when God nudges, it's always good! I'm thankful you're willing to share!

    XO, Aimee

  2. Debra,
    I have not been very good at keeping up with everyone this past year, as I am trying to stay above water with some health issues of my own, but I pray that your husband is ok. I'm sorry to hear that he was sick. I will be praying for you. I would love to be a part of your bible study when I can. I'm going through tests right now and looking at a surgery very soon.
    Hugs to you,

  3. Debra,
    I just added Common Ground to my Pleasing Places to Perch because I enjoy it so much and want to keep up with your posts. Off to visit your other blog. Thanks so much for sharing. Melinda

  4. You are an inspiration to me... God's gentle nudges are what we need sometime to make some changes:) Have a blessed day dear Debra, HUGS!

  5. Well girl, I'm anxious to see what God has to share through you, especially now.
    So I'm heading over that way.

    (I also have a 'spiritual blog, that I have not kept up on....)

    hugs and blessings


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