
Monday, December 26, 2011

A Christmas Visitor...

Christmas afternoon, things were  quiet while our "big kids" took a walk around the lake with their "frenchy", Vinnie. Hubbs and I were setting in the Living Room talking when we saw a some commotion in the little skinny tree on the deck. Hopping and fluttering we could see a bird outline, but we couldn't make out what kind. It was bigger, looked a little like a cardinal, but more like a robin.  We got up to investigate.

I've enjoyed bird watching my whole life. Living in the country we always had birds in the bushes, trees and yard, and since my dad was a "waste not, want not" kind of person there was always something for the neighborhood fowl to feast upon. 

I used to keep bird seed on the deck for prime viewing, but we have a chipmunk and squirrel population and this was just too close to the pool. Besides, the squirrels have chewed our deck to embarrassment.

This little birdie, rummaged thru my Christmas greens in the basket, sat on the ladder, then on the head of the goose, just bouncing around for a few minutes. I didn't want to waste time running for my camera because I knew I just needed to savor the "visit". 

Glad to know someone else liked my "Backdoor Christmas" decor.

After searching my field guide books we found our little friend, a Gray Vireo, who was out of his normal habitat. It says that he likes scrub brush and junipers in the arid country of the southwest United States. (pretty far from home here in SW Missouri) I guess he was visiting relatives for Christmas and just took a moment for a break. But I'm so glad we were able to have a sweet visit from a little friend; just a little Christmas blessing.

Hope you've had time to enjoy the "small blessings"
 of this Christmas Season...



  1. Hi Debra... love that you had a special little Christmas visitor... maybe he has a blog and read all about your parties and thought how fun it would be to visit you!... I too love birds (and all of God's creatures) and birdwatching is one of my very favorite things to do as well... hope you had a wonderful Christmas... xoxo Julie Marie (PS I carry my camera in my pocket, even when I am taking out the trash on garbage day!... I told Jack, my luck Bigfoot would appear and want to do a photo op and I would not have my camera with me!)...

  2. Maybe she was our Scouts feathered friend that came to your home for a Christmas visit.. LOL !

    Since we are in the southwest ..???

    Merry Christmas Debra


  3. Dear Debra,
    We are having birds also eating, and being around in our garden- my husbond just made them a feeder house ,with cobber roof-so sweet- and they love to land there and eat.
    My blessings this christmas is having my family here, and especial the grandkids--They leave tomorrow for Copenhagen and their home- and my house will be so empty and quiet......
    Hugs and love, Dorthe

  4. Maybe he was blown your way by our storms and winds. I was watching the birds in my front yard while I was putting some bindings on quilts a while ago--I think I saw his relatives; I just didn't know what they were.

  5. I love bird watching! One of my favorites is when there was a nest up at the top of my front porch! I set up a video camera to watch the birds hatch, the mama bird feeding the babies and then they flew away:) Happy your little visitor enjoyed your sweet decorations!

    Have a blessed evening my friend, HUGS!

  6. How special...and how wonderful that you took the time to enjoy your visitor! Happy holidays to you and your family! ♥♥♥

  7. its always so satisfying to identify a bird that has you stumped, lovely photos, great post!

  8. How wonderful you got to see it. Nice to sit and enjoy the nature we are blessed with!
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. What a charming visitor for you guys.

  10. Reading about your little Christmas visitor made me smile.

    Pamela, lover of birds.

  11. I love birds too! That is a beautiful one. I love your pictures so pretty.


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