
Monday, December 20, 2010

It's really sweet, my new camera!

I can tell you that there are a million things I need to be doing,
but am I doing them?
I'm playing with my new Christmas present,
and I'm afraid that it may turn into a small obsession!

just wish I could take a picture of my new camera
WITH my new camera!

Yep, I went with my gut and bought the Canon Rebel T2i with 2 lenses.
a 50 mm for the close up shots
and a 18-55 for the primary lens.

So here are some before and after shots.
Remember, I'm just shooting on Auto Focus on the "dumb luck" setting.

old camera, no flashes on either camera

new camera

old camera

new camera 




OK, now look at the difference,
It really is evident here in these next shots.

old camera

old camera

New Camera

Someone needs to slap me and make me get busy...
but could I take a few more photos first?

I'm linking to

Hope you're having a great Christmas week!

More to come...


  1. absolutely more pics- they are amazing- as are your beautiful displays!


  2. Oh you lucky girl! That is the camera I would like to get too. I'm thinking of getting it from Costco. Did you find yours somewhere for a good price?

  3. ~**~LUCKY YOU!! ;) I would LOVE a better camera..Im so happy for you!! HUGS~Rachel~*~*

  4. Wow...great shots....and that is on the automatic setting? I love the blurry backgrounds. I so want a camera that will do that for me...I occasionally get it but not as much as I'd like. Super's going to be awhile before I can get one.

    Love your house collection. I have one too. I can't get enough of them. Especially since I decided to put them on the tree this year. Now I need more to set around the house!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. You know I'm super excited for you!!!
    And I *guess* I'll still be your friend, even though you got a Canon instead of a Nikon. ;-)

    And see? You really do get a beautiful bokeh with the 1.4 lens, don't you?

    Have fun, I know you will!
    Great shots!!!


  7. beautiful. I am really wishing for a new one since mine has really bit the dust I am relying on my phone for blogging.
    Oh santa hear my wishes...
    Merry Christmas

  8. Nice gift ! Let the fun begin. :D So if you disappear for long periods of time, we know you are playing with your camera.
    I hope to get another one in the near future.
    Have a great week.

  9. I'm giving you a big ol' cheesy grin...take my picture, take my picture. Can you make the old me look as good as a new me?

  10. How fantastic, Debra! I say keep on having fun with your new camera!!!

  11. Oh Debra, what a difference... seeing the difference in the picture's is making me want a new camera too!
    Merry Christmas~~ Daphne

  12. I know how you feel, Debra. I got a new camera as an early Christmas present and this weekend I actually played with it a little bit; pressed some buttons and checked it out. Mine is a Sony. I love it already!

  13. Looks like someone is going to be having some fun! Great photos!

  14. Debra,
    That is my camera, got it this summer and I love it. I was just comparison shopping over which macro lens I wanted and you just helped me make up my mind. You are getting great blur and bokeh with that 50mm. I will have to wait a while to get it. Meanwhile I will enjoy your images! It looks amazing. Merry Christmas to you!

  15. Wow, what a difference. So much brighter and you can't even see the glass on that last shot. I want one! Some day when I grow up I will get one, too. Superb shots.

  16. That's the same camera I have my eye on! I'm glad you got it first so I can see how it works!!!

    I'm saving my pennies.

    Congratulations, you will have such fun.


  17. Thanks for sharing this, I need a new camera. I will look into this one.

  18. How exciting. I love the difference in that first set of photos of all the houses. Have fun playing around.

  19. You LUCKY duck! Hope you enjoy your new camera, which I am sure you will! Have a blessed day, BIG HUGS!

  20. Love your new camera Debra! That first shot is beautiful! I think mine will do that if I can just figure it out!!! HA HA!!

  21. wow, that is a difference! I cannot blame you for taking pictures of everything.

  22. Hi Debra! I now have camera envy! I want that wonderful piece of equipment. If I had it I would be taking picutres of everything too!

    What a wonderful Christmas gift. I wonder if Santa would bring me one.


  23. Have fun with your new toy! Now I want one!!

  24. Congrats!!! I'm thinkin' I'll try the book that someone suggested in one of your previous posts. Wish we could get pictures of the moon eclipse tonight but Brandon says it will probably be too cloudy. Why don't you get up at 2:30 & see. Have fun!!!! Jan

  25. Oh you are going to have so much fun! I did the same thing when I got my camera. Hope you have fun shooting everything in sight!

  26. Hi Debra,

    I jumped off the high dive and purchased the Nikon D90 with two lenses...18-50mm and a 300mm to reach out for those far away shots's fabulous!

    Have fun...
    Merry Merry,
    Stephanie ♥

  27. Your new camera is wonderful, what a thrill. Your pictures are perfect. Love your village, it is so pretty and of course I drooled all over your cloche. Stunning. Thanks so much for joining TTT and I wish you and all your family a very Blessed Christmas. Hugs, Marty

  28. Isn't Canon amazing?! My parents got me a Canon Powershot SD4500 for Christmas and I am just amazed with the incredible shots I've taken so far.

  29. I'm so excited for you. You will so enjoy your slr. I just started messing with white balance in the last couple of days and love the effect. I really need to get my lens and filters cleaned. I have a Nikon but if you need any help let me know. I'll try my best.

    Great shots!

  30. How fun for you. I want a new camera but that looks like too much camera for me. Have a great time taking pictures and have a wonderful Christmas!

  31. Santa has already been there????? Good girl!!! Enjoy your new toy!

  32. I LOVE your photos with the new camera. I got a new one for Christmas last year & I ADORE everything about it except... it's so big & heavy compared to the ones you throw in your purse & whip out in a moments notice to take shots. ENJOY! Wishing you & yours a Merry Chrsitmas. HUGS!

  33. How Exciting for you! I'm going to get a new camera TOO! I've gotten the "word" from friends. "Shell, your blog is Great to read,,,,but Oh My, you need a NEW Camera!"

    (Debra, I wanted to send you a card with a little "ornie" inside, but did you get my email? I have no physical Addy for you!) If you send it to my email, I'll send it out still, it'll just be late! (

    At any rate, Hugs and Love and have a Blessed Christmas!

  34. Your new camera is nice. It makes me wish for one to, maybe my pictures would be better. Have a wonderful weekend. Merry Christmas

  35. Wow! Wow! Wow! Ok that settles it! I'm going to have to get me a "new" camera too! OHHHHHH Santaaaaaa!

  36. Now that is one great camera!!!!

    I love it, I want one too!

    Hugs sweet lady, I have missed you! I'll be back to blogging soon!


  37. Love it! What a great idea for a Meta Monday! I just upgraded to what you upgraded I'm ready for another upgrade. Thanks for sharing the beautiful vinettes around your home. Stunning!

  38. congratulations on your new obsession. i am obsessed too! i can think of worse things.......

  39. I'm so happy for you! I want Santa to bring one for me so bad, your photos look fabulous!
    Merry Christmas!

  40. Debra,
    Thank you for sharing your new baby! (Camera)

    You have the one I want to get, I may get it after Christmas.
    Love those beautiful shots. Was it hard to get use to it?

    take lots of holiday photos and please do share!!

    Blessings Girl
    Un Joyeux Noel

  41. Love the new look of your blog Debra! I am so happy you got a new camera! I want one so bbbaaaaddddd! I just don't know if I should buy a Nikon or a Cannon! Have fun playing with your new toy! Merry Christmas!

  42. Congratulations on the new camera! It takes great photos!

  43. Congrats on the new camera! That's so cool!!
    But I am loving your village. I am such a "village person"... And you and I have one of the same pieces. Love it.
    Merry Christmas!
    Ladybug Creek

  44. Wow...what a huge difference your new camera makes, Debra! Just incredible!'ve helped me make up my mind. Now I want one. I'll have to start saving my pennies and maybe I can nab one before spring vacation. :) May I ask a dumb question and ask what in the world "bokeh" is?? Hope you'll be sharing some tutorials on your new camera as you continue to play with it and share your great shots with us. :)

    xoxo laurie

  45. LoVe the winter wonderland mantlescape you have created !
    Keep snapping all those pretties to share,
    inspiration galore...

  46. Happy, happy for you. I am so showing this post to Joe. Happy Christmas! Loveya♥O

  47. Debra,
    I got a new REBEL too...I just need more time to play with it! Your Christmas decor is sooooo always:) Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!


  48. Debra, thank you so much for sharing this at my party this week. I know everyone is so busy in these final days before the big day. I hope you have the best Christmas!

  49. Oh lucky you! Love your new pictures -- Everything looks delightful at your home --- enjoy your new camera and we'll look forward to lots of wonderful shots of Christmas at your house!

  50. Oh my gosh- the new and old pictures are amazing. There really is a difference!

    Have a great holiday and have fun capturing it all with that new camera.


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