
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Vintage Inspiration Friday #11 Late Fall Sunroom

Hey Everyone!
Time for
 Vintage Inspiration Friday.

This time of the year it's about balancing my enthusiasm for
and my not wanting to jump the gun,
if you know what I mean.

I want to enjoy the season I'm in without
running headlong into winter and the Holidays.

So I try to transition little by little.
Still wanting to celebrate Thanksgiving
and enjoying my turkeys,
but honestly being "done" with the leaves and orange.
(gosh, did I just say that?)

That's the good thing about Missouri,
we have seasons here.
The only one I tire of is summer...
hate the heat.

So what I like to do this time of year is trade out the leaves
with holly and evergreens;
real and faux.

That way, once Thanksgiving is over
 I don't have as much to do to make it

One of my girls is enjoying her perch
surveying her domain.

I love this old lantern light fixture.
It always just says "Christmas" to me.

I have a lot of old and family quilts
that I change out frequently.
This one has seen better days,
but I bought it about 25 years ago when we lived in Marietta, Ga.
I always enjoy using it.
"Flying Geese".

Love my Faribo and Pendleton brown plaid blankets.

Here's my other girl.
They're inside kitties,
but they LOVE to dream.

This old squirrel is a bank...
now he's what I call really "Chippy"!!

old screen door?, yah, I'll use it!

(Hey, Theresa, love the sweet little teapot!)

The light was so bright with the photos that the view was washed out,
so here's the view from the sunroom.

please disregard all:
electrical cords
dead plant material
dirty windows
cat hair
dead bugs?
old carpet
crummy 80's spotlights

(notice that I didn't apoligize for the rust or peeling paint!)
Thanks for sitting thru another "sunroom" post.

Hope you'll join in the party,
ANY Vintage Inspiration works!

And the winner of the give away this month
is my wonderful friend Sue from

love you all,

p.s. Check out the November give away on the sidebar.


  1. thanks for hosting. I just linked up!

  2. Hi Debra, I luv that room! You have decorated it so beautiful. And I like the Rambling Rose pillow. That is a great find. Thank You for hosting today....Julian

  3. I don't think I have seen your sun room before and I really enjoyed this tour. You really have so many interesting pieces and vignettes, I could look around all day, literally! Love your quilts and the idea you have of changing out the orange with red for the holidays. Great advice!

    Happy Thursday!


  4. I need those vintage birdcages, the mirror with the wreath hanging on it and the wonderful little conservatory thingy....yep, need 'em all.

    Darn, I'm gonna have to start planning my posts better to link up every Friday, I'm sorry!!!


  5. This is my first time seeing your sunroom and I just love it! You had me at the very first photo! What a wonderful space. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Oh Wow! I love everything. Your attention to detail is amazing; so much inspiration here. I especially like the mirror hanging on the door and decorated with all those goodies. What a fabulous room.
    Thank you so much for hosting. I'm looking forward to looking around.

  7. Love all the goodies everywhere in this sunroom!!! It is all such a feast for my eyes, Debra. I am so ready for the holiday decorations to come down from the attic for Christmas! I put out all my fall stuff so early when the first chill hit the air in August. It's time for a change, that's for sure. Thanks for hosting the par-tay. :-)
    ~ Sue

  8. Vintage garden style just says COTTAGE to me! I love how you have the plaid blankets mixed in and the Rambling Rose pillow, and of course all the rest! We still have lots of leaves on the trees. It looks pretty brrr where you are. Keep cozy! You have the perfect place for it! XXJQ

  9. Really like your sunroom - would love to have a space like that also. Thanks for sharing it with us.
    Did not have a post ready about something vintage decorating the house, so used one on some vintage earrings and buttons. Hope that is ok - if not, just let me know. Thanks for hosting.

  10. Your home is so warm and inviting. I love the mix of Thanksgiving and Christmas, they blend beautifully and seamlessly in your home. Thanks for hosting a fabulous party!


  11. Hi Debra,
    Just gorgeous, absolutely beautiful! Your home is always so lovely and warm and cozy!!
    I love the mirror with the floral arrangement on the door, it's perfect!
    Have a great night.

  12. That is one gorgeous sunroom. I love all of the white, chippy pieces!! I could spend hours out there.

  13. Debra,
    Thanks for hosting! Your sunroom is lovely. I think I'd spend most of my time there! Love the chippy and white and rusty. The lantern and the everygreens and holly are wonderful touches.
    It is reminding me how much I look forward to the holidays, and it is so welcoming and beautiful!

  14. Hi Debra, I always enjoy seeing your fabulous sunroom! It makes me want a room like this. All of your decorations are wonderful and I especially like the wall basket of hydrangeas, the lantern and your quilt. Take care.
    Hugs, Sherry

  15. I had never seen your sunroom either and I love it!! The quilts are just yummy and you know how I feel about the kitty cats! Adorable!!

    It's just beautiful...

    Lou Cinda :)

  16. Clovis says let those kitties outside just for a little bit. Love the Georgia quilt and the plaid throw. It is magazine worthy lovey. ♥O

  17. Looks beautiful Debra! I need to start getting out the few Thanksgiving items I have. Can't believe this year is coming to a close!! Time flies!!

  18. love the mirror on the door like that...that's a great idea!

  19. Would you believe I actually saw myself sitting in there with you? It was just for a moment...but honestly, Debra...I was there!
    P.S. I may have to play hooky this week. I want to leave up my post for Peg through Monday, the day of her surgery. I'll be back to play next week for sure though!

  20. Your sunroom is SO charming, Debra! I admit I am so ready to decorate for Christmas, too! In fact, we did much of our outdoor Christmas decorating was 65 degrees...and Saturday is supposed to snow! Thanks for hosting the party!

  21. Debra, you really have a way of pulling things together. I want to say I think of your style as sort of cottage and cabin. Perhaps it's the cozy lakehouse style blankies. I admire all your decorating. Thank you again for hosting such a fun link. I am honored to join in. tami

  22. Hi Debra ~ Awesome sunroom. I could never see enough of it. Every corner really delights the eye. I imagine some lovely mornings and a nice cuppa in there. Just lovely. Have a great weekend.

  23. WOW, where do I start. Let me just say there is nothing I don't like because everything is absolutely beautiful and awesome. I would love to have a sunroom like yours. And "THANK YOU" for choosing me as the winner. As I've shared with you, I never win anything! It is nice that the first thing I won was from you. Thank you my friend, it's appreciated.

    Take care, Sue

  24. Hello there! Thanks for hosting. I love this post. It is a room to be studied so you can take in all the little details. I just love it! So many fun finds and treasures there. Thanks for sharing with us!

  25. Oh Debra, you always show such beautiful things. I can't just pick one, but I do love your adorable statue, she's so sweet! Your sunroom is just gorgeous and so inviting!!! Thanks for hosting.... hugs~~ Daphne

  26. Beautiful room with gorgeous displays. Much eye candy. I could browse all day. Thanks for sharing. ~~Sherry~~

  27. Lovely post. Love that view outdoors from your sunroom.
    ~ Julie

  28. Hey Debra ~ Your sunroom is so interesting, cozy, and welcoming! I adore that wreath over the
    mirror! And your kitties are so sweet sitting there dreaming about being outside! I have 3 of them - all indoors - who love to look out of the windows, too... :)

    xoxo laurie

  29. There's so much wonderful eye candy in this room, Debra! I love the first photo! That mirror with the wreath on that vintage door is just gorgeous!
    Thanks for hosting this fab party!
    Jo :)

  30. Debra, this is a wonderfull sunroom-
    and filled with the most lovely chippy old things, any girl would wish for,--
    I love the country style you have ,and all the beauty collected-the door, is great with the basket on- and the garten theme lovely.
    Many years ago I bought a book :"Seasons at Seven Gates farm" A Country Living book, about James Cramer an Dean Jhonson- it is still one of my most cherished books, full of wonderfull photoes from their home-do you know that one?
    Wishing you a lovely day Debra- thanks for beautifull morning photoes.

  31. Beautiful sunroom, I could sit in there for DAYS! I refuse to decorate anything Christmas until after Thanksgiving, BUT I AM getting my decorations READY:) Have a blessed day! HUGS!

  32. Hi Debra,
    I just love it when you show your sunroom and especially all the wonderful details. You have so many lovely collections and beautiful things.

    Love your sweet furry friends too.


  33. Love your decorating Debra! That mirror is decorated beautifully as is everything else.

  34. What a lovely room. I could stay there forever and so many interesting things to look at. Thank you for the tour ~ I've never seen it before.

  35. What a beautiful, sunny room! I love how you transiton from Autumn to the holidays--I might steal that idea.

    Happy Friday!

  36. Good morning Debra! I can't join in this week, but I'll be back in a couple of weeks! Next week I'll be in Iowa with my good friend Sharon of Sweet Repose! Can't wait! :)

    Thanks for sharing photos of your sunroom, looks real cosy!

    But thanks again for hosting Vintage Inspiration Friday!


  37. Debra, it all looks so pretty. I'm going to link up with you later in the day when I post Ann's house. Happy Friday, T

  38. Hi Debra
    What a wonderful room! Isn't this time of year so fun, I am so enjoying my home this year... nice to focus on the home instead of the shop. Yours is so lovely.
    Many Blessings

  39. What a great sunroom. I didn' even notice any cobwebs, dead plant, cords etc.... :0 They always say friends don't notice those things.
    Thanks for the great tour and inspiration.

  40. What a terrific post! SO much to see -- but I have to say I ADORE that Rambling Rose pillow!

    I have an old Santa that was my mother's ...who could match your squirrel chip for chip in his paintjob. I love those well-loved critters.

    As someone with a sunroom of her own -- I loved this post! One can never have too many sunroom pictures.


  41. What a wonderful place for us all to link up and enjoy this fun party! Loving the screen door in the corner and, well, everything!!

  42. I posted my comment about Vintage Inspiration Friday on your White Wednesday post, I liked that one too.

  43. I love the wreath and the lantern. your porch looks so cottage cozy. can I come over?!!!

  44. How on earth have I missed visiting over here? You have an incredible imagination and style. I adore your sun room. Oh, to have that natural light! This is all just stunning. (Love the mirror on the door too. Now I think I'll go back and stare some more!)

  45. I just tried to comment and it went away!!! Argh!! So here I am again~
    Thank you so much for stopping by and joining my party!! I am adding you to my blog roll so I see it each week and remember to join in over here too!! I LOVE your party!!Thanks for hosting! :)

  46. Debra, I don't know why I have the hardest time with this link program. I'm sure it's my computer. I've added a picture three times and it still shows no picture added. Maybe you could get it to work for me. I really did load a pretty pic of Ann's place. Thanks for doing this post and hope you have a great weekend, T

  47. I just love all the things you've done. Great job!

  48. Well Hello, and thanks for sharing your wonderful sunroom, I love it! I bet you enjoy many a relaxing moment there!
    Very fun to see, greetings from Washington state,

  49. My first time seeing your sunroom. What a great place. So many fun things to discover.
    Thanks for sharing.

  50. I liked it all!!!! you have such pretty things.

  51. Debra,

    I just wanted to come back and say thank you so much for leaving a comment on Modern Country Style. You must be absolutely inundated with people to visit so it meant a lot - especially such a personal comment.


    Have a lovely weekend.


  52. Such a beautiful room. So warm and inviting.

    I'd love to have you join my weekly meme, Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  53. Hi Debra:
    Your room looks like such a comfortable room for a sit and a visit. I love all your wonderful touches. Oh, and considering that I live in south Florida, I'm not much for the hot, steamy summers either! ;-) I'm really loving this time of year!

  54. I love this concept--"anything vintage" will do around here, for sure. I love your lamp--very much like a set I just bought at the flea market (actually had to jump-up and check because I thought they may be the same!). Maybe I'll include them when I attempt to join you next week.

  55. Hi Debra,

    I hopped over from The Feathered Nest, what a lovely blog you have here! Thank you for sharing all these inspiring links. I see from your profile was are nearly neighbors, I live in central Arkansas. So nice to meet you, can't wait to enjoy browsing your blog. Have a wonderful day!


I love hearing from you. Feel free to comment, big or small. Be sure and leave your name and blog if commenting under anonymous. Thanks friends