
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Just had to share...

We all know the blog world is full
 of creative and talented women.
I wanted to take a minute
and say "Thank you" to a few of them.

 has a beautiful blog and online store.
If you haven't visited yet
be sure and take a few minutes;
her talent is amazing!

Jill created these wonderful rosettes a few weeks ago
and they were all snapped up before I could buy one.
Thank goodness she quickly made more!
Adorn a pillow, jean jacket, hat...
I'm just adoring mine.

And everyone knows that crazy cajun Jodie,
 from Everything Vintage!
She's been one busy Valentine gal.
She blessed quite a few of us with
her beautiful bounty of love.

Goodies spilling over...

I also know she ate a LOT of chocolate
in the making of these sweet gifts!

has to be the most prolific needle artist in the world.
Honestly I think she must have clones of herself,
or maybe she just never sleeps.
Donna not only is such a talented gal...

But a sweet and giving friend!

Please go check out her blog,
 if you haven't met Donna,
you'll see what I mean!
(she never sleeps....)

Isn't this the sweetest card?
look at the tiny stitching and beads...
too darn cute!
She's also having a wonderful Give Away,
you'll want to enter.

And lastly I want to thank Debra of
who has a great blog
and a wonderful online store.
She awarded me the Sunshine Blog Award!
Don't you just love
 the bright daisy and blue sky?

Thank you Debra,
you and your daughter are such a talented team!

I am continually amazed at the talent
and love that's out here.
Thanks for sharing it with me!

Hope you're having a great weekend!



  1. Oh that first one makes my heart beat faster. I can dream of at least 10 ways to use it. I hope you are having a great weekend.

    Cha Cha

  2. you are right, wonderful talented women!!

  3. Great post, Debra!! I love all the goodies you have posted. I am off to visit the new websites (for me) and thanks for the heads up! Enjoy your treasures! :-)


  4. Who would have ever thought the mailman could bring such goodness instead of stinky old bills! Jodie is such a delight and talented out the wazoo...I just love her to pieces.
    You made out like a bandit and you didn't even have to use a glue gun.

  5. Hi Debra:
    Thank you so much for your loving and kind words about me. Really, I'm blushing! Thanks also for spreading the word about my giveaways. You really are a generous friend!

  6. Love all the pretties!!! Such talented ladies..
    Thanks so much for sharing!!

  7. Oh you lucky gal! Such beautiful things made with such love. I too adore that rosette. The colors are dreamy! Jodie is a such a sweetheart and her lovely heart for you is proof of that. Donna's little embroidered card is just perfect. I keep saying I am going to try some handsewing, embroidery like what she has done. I am just amazed at all the creativity and talent of so many ladies out there. Enjoy it all. Well-deserved. Blessings, Tammy

  8. Oh my what sweet pictures from these crafty ladies! Thanks for sharing all of these treasures. Hugs!

  9. Debra, I am so glad you got one of the rosettes. It just seems like it should belong to you!

  10. I love to see all the amazing talent out there! So many beautiful things! I wish I was like Donna and didn't need sleep...oh the things I could do!

  11. ooohhhhhh........can't wait to check out those blogs! thanks! love all your treasures!

  12. Well Debra...
    It's ALL YOUR FAULT that you are just soooo darned loveable and easy to spoil!!!! :)
    I can't compare with these talented ladies (that don't sleep)!!! I'm just a pup in this artsy blogland...
    everything vintage

  13. Hi Debra! My friend and I went to Spring Creek for lunch and shopping yesterday and we are excitedly awaiting your expanded booth! That will be a great space for you and I know you'll do wonders with it. We found lots of good things. Hope you've had a good weekend.

  14. Hey there Debra ... What a sweet post ...thank you, it makes me happy that you are happy with your rosette! You have quite the collection of lovelies here, very pretty ...I would love to see some photos of your booth in the future, I know it will blow my socks off!!


  15. Hey Debra,
    Your new goodies are beautiful! I am going to have to check out their sites! Have a great week,

  16. All super great gals!
    I've been coveting those rosettes for awhile now, they are simply stunning!

    Thanks for sharing!


  17. I'm so with you, debra! there is so much talent out there - i wish i had more hours in my day so that i could keep up with the blogs that i love....and, unfortunately i think i have found some more that i want to follow in this post! lol
    hope you're having a fabulous day, dear debra.

  18. Oh my! Everything is so beautiful! They are really talented! I am off to check out their sites! Thank you for sharing!!!


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