
Monday, February 8, 2010

Everything but the Kitchen Sink: Give Aways, Awards and My Surprise News

First of all My Surprise News, which while may not seem like a lot to some of you, is actually a pretty wonderful and exciting "Big Deal" for little ol' me. Since last February when I had to pretty much "cease and desist" from the scene of antique store spaces and flea market booths due to health reasons, I have felt a void in my life. Yes, I needed to cut back drastically and slow way down, but I still missed the junkin' life. I have had a small "closet" booth at Spring Creek Tea Room and Antiques, and it was good for me to have, but because of the size (5x7) I was really limited in my display fun and amount of merchandise that I could bring in.

Spring Creek Tea Room
Ozark, Missouri
(photo taken last fall)

This place is always packed, Tuesday thru Saturday.
With the best lunch in the area.

And as you sit here savoring
your wonderful chicken salad
and drooling into your Milky Way Cake,
you will be able to see my
 new booth space.


This is my "little closet"...


That I have right now.

And this is where I will be headed as of March 15.
Twice the size, and in a wonderful location.

Now keep in mind
 this is not my "stuff",
but the space itself.
It is directly across from the tea room
and highly visible. Yeah!!

I have tried doing a close up of these chippy doors
which I will get to keep,
but my computer will not cooperate.
So these are the "befores" of the space.

Keep a good thought for me as I get to redecorate
this spot and bring in lots of fun things...
all things vintage, shabby, cottage, farmhouse, girlie,
garden, and just a touch of "ooh la la"!

And now for the Give Aways!

"World's Sweetest Blogger"
is having a celebration giveaway
for her 3rd. Blogiversary.

And the super talented Rebecca from
is having a give away
of the most gorgeous necklace,
to celebrate her 200th follower.

And thank you sweet Debbie from Talking Trash
and the vivacious Robelyn of Red Neck Chic
for awarding me with the 
Not a Stepford Blog Award. 
Love You!

Thanks for hanging in there with me
for this multi-faceted news program!

Hope you're off to a great Monday!


  1. Wow-how exciting for you!!! Have fun filling up your new space!


  2. wow, now thats a space, in such a cute place, I know you are going to do well!!!

  3. Oh Debra, You are going to have that space so gorgeous!!!!! I love the way your little 'closet' space looks so I can only imagine how creative you will be in a larger space. And right across from the tea room....perfect!!!!!!! Congratulations and the best of luck to you. Can't way to see pictures:)
    Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

  4. Oh Debra, I am so excited for you to get a HUGE space for your goodies. I am happy that your health issues are better so that you feel that you can get back to doing what you want to do. Thanks for the giveaway tips. I commented on Dawn's this morning and already follow her. She is a fellow Georgia Girl:) Hugs to you and I can't wait to see your space all "dolled up"!

  5. Debra
    I am so happy happy for you. I will pray that you find such joy in each and everyday as you embark on your new space. Lots of love and blessings to you!!!


  6. Hey Debra
    Congratulations on your award - first off and thank you so much for posting my give-away, that was sweet of you to do. Also I will go over to Dawns and check out her post. And last but not least I am so happy you are feeling better and have this opportunity, to do what you love to do, the Lord will bless this for you. I will look forward to seeing the transformation of this space and see how wonderful it becomes.

  7. Congrats to you on your BIGGER space in a PRIME location!! That is wonderful news! Can't wait to see it with your gorgeous finds in it!

    It will be AWESOME!

    Lou Cinda :)

  8. I like your multi-faceted news program!!! I'm so excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've loved your "smaller space" so I CAN NOT WAIT to see what you whip up in the larger one!!!!!!!!

    Have a wonderful day!!!
    much love, robelyn

  9. What a great space! Your old space looks inviting as is so I can only imagine what you can do with a bigger space. I'm sure it must be so exciting for you (I know I would be). Wishing you only the very best, Theresa
    p.s. thank you for stopping by and visiting...I appreciate all of your encouragement!

  10. Hope you have an awesome week.
    Blessings, andrea

  11. Hi Debra,
    I'm very excited and happy for you that you are feeling well enough now to take on a larger booth. And the location in the shop is fabulous. I like your small booth too, but there is only so much we can cram in. Believe I know, because mine is stuffed.
    I did a close-up on your pictures so I could see all your good things. You really work hard and it shows.
    I wish you every sucesss.


  12. You booth is already so awesome and your new space will be more awesome!! I love your treasures and your space looks lovely. Happy shopping and "dressing up" your new space.
    Deb :)

  13. I love the little space that you have now...I can only imagine what your new bigger space will look like. From what I can see from your pictures, you are a fine designer with your space and I look forward to seeing the pictures of your bigger space so finely designed by your hands.

    Thank you for stopping in and praying for my sister and our family. That means so very much to me. I look forward in getting to know you better as I have become a follower of yours today. Thank you for becoming a follower of my blog site as well.


  14. Hi Debra,
    Antiquing and decorating is therapy. I would have to go right out and rent a booth if I did not have my store to decorate. People like us just need that space outside our homes to constantly change and create and smile over. Cannot wait to see what you will do with this wonderful new space. Lois

  15. Thanks for the scoop on the giveaways and what great news for you on your new digs! Very excited and happy for you Deb! Keep us posted as you transform your space with your special charm!

  16. Debra,
    Your "closet" is adorable, but I know how fun it is to get a new space! Glad your health has improved so that you are able to do what you love!

  17. Congratulations on your new space - you will have so much fun filling it up with treasures! You deserve it.


  18. Your little space looks so pretty, I cannot imagine how that big space is going to look when you get in there! Congratulations! Have fun getting it all prettified, and be sure to show us pictures when you're done! laurie

  19. OOOPS! Forgot to tell you, I love your V'tine card on your header - so cute! laurie

  20. Hello Dear ~
    I can't wait until I see it! I may have to come by one day after school this week! I also love the necklaces you've been making! You are talented in so many ways!

  21. Hi Debra,
    What a FAB new space you will have. I love the idea of having s vintage/antique store with lunch and tea. Can't wait to see how you will 'stage your new 'home away from home'.
    PS Do you make necklaces and jewelry? I sell Real Estate, but making jewelry is my 'secret life'

  22. Congratulations on your new space, Debra! It's going to be so cool once your hand touches it. ;-)
    Can't wait to see photos with your goodies all around.

  23. Oh I am so happy for you! Congrats on the venture!!

  24. Congratulations on your new bigger space! That is very exciting for you! I'm sure you will have a great time fixing it all up!


  25. Hi Debra!
    I'm happy for you! It looks like a space to keep you happy and busy. Glad to say my computer is back home and free of whatever was bothering it. Cannot wait to see your space all filled up!

  26. Congrats on the bigger, better space!

  27. Well, of course I already knew the exciting news, but shame on you for not 'fessing up that all those cheezy Danielle Steele paperbacks are yours, tsk, tsk.....


    It's gonna be better than FAB, it's gonna be stupendously fab! I only wish I were there to help ya get it all set up! I'm sick of my booth, I'm ready to tackle yours!

    Congrats, I know you're gonna rock it!


  28. Debra amor, how wonderful for you! After seeing your space now and all the lovely things you have in there now, I know your new space is going to be Bellissima!! How I wish I could see your beautiful space myself and shop in it :) Besos, Rose

  29. Good gravy, girl...if you can fit that much good stuff in a closet, I can only imagine what you'll do with your new, improved location! I don't think I could handle working my space and smelling cake...I'd be taking a lot of breaks!
    I am so excited for you...go get 'em!

  30. I couldn't be happier for you Debra! You have such awesome taste and you need a big space to fill. This will be wonderful! I hope we get to see lots of picks of your new digs.
    I love the 'bling' in your SS post. so gorgeous!

  31. Hi Debra,

    Very best wishes to you as you expand and open in your new space. It looks like a space with great potential that you will do wonders with.


  32. Congrats on your new space! I know that once you get your hands on it, the space is gonna be fabulous! Have fun! And best wishes, Tammy

  33. only the best to you in your wonderful new space:)


  34. I have to add my congratulations. From viewing your blog and admiring your talents I know your bigger space will get lots of attention.
    Have fun with it, Debra. Happy Tuesday! Sandy

  35. Congrats on your new booth~It looks heavenly~

  36. Yay Debra! Congrats on your new space!!!!
    I wish you much luck and much love there!!!!!
    everything vintage

  37. I am so happy for you Debra! I love the space you have now and I know you are really going to make that new space gorgeous! Yay!!!


  38. Debra, that is such wonderful news - I'm very excited for you. Can't wait to see the booth when you're set up!!! p.s. You know I've been having troubles opening up your page for weeks now - hurray, it's working now!


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