
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Silver Sunday, Tea Anyone...?

On a lazy Sunday afternoon, anyone for tea?

I love old silver,
but much of it is out of my price range.
So what I have, are bits and pieces
 I've collected from my flea market adventures.

This set was black with tarnish when I found it,

but I knew something wonderful was hidden underneath.

This is my wedding china, really French faience;
heavier and hand painted.
No two pieces are exactly alike.

Pewter tea tin...

With my favorite Scottish biscuits,
 "McVitties Digestibles".
They taste a little like graham crackers,
but more dense.

my "new" silver spoons,
and "old" butter knives.

Oh and let's not forget the Crabtree & Evelyn.

The tray isn't very heavy and it's a completely
 different style from the Georgian tea set,
but I love the ornate design, vintage by Wallace.

A lot of people like their silver tarnished.
And I have certain pieces that I do,
but silver is such a gorgeous metal
I like to keep mine shined.


Hope you have a delicious day!

Drop by and visit Beth over at
for a day of Silver inspiration.


  1. Very pretty tea service. You must be proud you own it!

  2. Very pretty! Love the I feel a need to polish my silver (but not tonight.......)

  3. This was delicious!!! I love the way you set a table. It makes me think you're no stranger to entertaining. I agree this set looks great polished but still has the right patina coming thru.
    Happy SS Deb!!!

  4. Hello Debra... oooh, your silver is so lovely! I leave mine tarnished, but seeing yours all polished and shiny makes me want to polish mine! Everything is just beautiful... xoxo Julie Marie

  5. I got a couple of pieces at the Good Will store sometime back...what a find! Your displays are gorgeous!
    Blessings, andrea

  6. I like my silver polished also...just wish it would stay that way!! Beautiful pieces the beautiful silverware! Happy SS!

  7. Love all your pieces of silver. I like my silver polished also, just wish it would stay that way longer. Lovely silverware pieces. Happy SS!

  8. I love your beautiful tea service and china. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Debra, that is a beautiful silver set. It looks nice polished, but that is one job I do not your china too! sandi

  10. Count me on your guest list for tea, my dear. Everything looks simply lovely. I really like shiny silver. One of these days, I shall try to polish mine up a bit. ;-)
    Happy Silver Sunday.
    (My post goes up at midnight ET)

  11. Beautiful my friend. Don't you think we've lost something these days? I mean...we throw on a pot of coffee, use UGLY kettles to brew our of paper plates...

    I love the fanciness of silver and the elegance of little cookies and biscuits. So lovely. Truly to be enjoyed.

    Thank you so much for sharing your "table".

    Love, Rebecca

  12. It looks wonderful! Oh how I wished I lived closer...I would come over and have tea with you! We would talk and laugh for hours I'm sure! :D

    yapping cat

  13. Hi Debra! Your silver is gorgeous! I love every single piece! Love how you've set it all up on your table too! I'll be over directly! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Your tea set is gorgeous, and I love your wedding china. You've set a beautiful tray for tea. laurie

  15. I love that tray! And I agree with you on the shiny silver!

  16. I'll be right over for a cup of tea from that lovely vignette you have created. Just gorgeous!
    Happy SS!

  17. Your table looks wonderful with all of those beautiful items. I think the tray works great with that set. I kind of enjoy polishing silver with a silver cloth. I don't even know the right type of polish to buy. Your china is very pretty too. Have a wonderful Sunday!

  18. Beautiful silver pieces! I love to pick up bits and pieces of silver here and there. The best thing is that my dad loves to pick up silver here and there. I can usually talk my dad into buying my mom various silver pieces, and she usually gives them to me as she has too many. I know a good thing when I see it!!! I have the best dad... Your wedding china is beautiful also. I love the fact that no two pieces are alike!

  19. Beautiful silver tea set! I really enjoyed looking at your photos and reading your blog!!!
    Margaret B

  20. Hi Debra ~ What a fantastic tea set and tray - there really was hidden treasure under that black tarnish!! I'm like you, I much prefer my silver polished (course, it's usually tarnished again before I get in the polishing mood)!

    BTW, I did sign up to follow the bible study blog a month or so ago (my symbol is the purple grapes in the followers deal). I intended to comment the next day to inform you but have forgotten until now. It is a wonderful blog and so helpful to me and others as they say in the comments. Just absorbing it all right now - not ready to comment yet. But anyway, thank you for the studying and prayer that has to go into that DAILY blog - Bless your heart.

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  21. Very pretty your wedding china...Now please pass me a cookie YUM>>>Many blessing to you this weekend my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  22. Really beautiful set! Didn't know that McVittie's was popular over there. I never heard of them until I came to Kuwait. Now those Ginger Cookies look like they would be yummy with a nice spice tea. Have a delightful day. Blessings :) Tammy

  23. Love the silver! Very beautiful tablescape! your very talented! lulu

  24. I'd love to have tea with you dear...what time shall I be there? Make sure you save some of those cookies for me!...Love the silver set!
    Have a wonderful Sunday,my friend!

  25. Love the "old" and "new" together. Very pretty.

  26. Debra, Your tea set is beautiful and I also love the tea tin!
    Have a wonderful Silver Sunday!

  27. So, what time's tea Deb...oh wait you may not want me to come...I might be inclined to obscond with our biscuit tin. Thanks for coming...see you next Sunday!
    {{gypsy hugs}}

  28. That is all so pretty Deb! You are so good at putting everything together, who wouldn't feel special sitting down to have tea with you. I also love it that we get to see little peeks of your home in your pics, it looks so inviting. I haven't posted to S.S. yet, I'm waiting the sun to come up so I can take pics. See you soon, ~ Theresa

  29. Debra, good morning and your silver is GORGEOUS! I love the detail on tha tray. I have some silver pieces and need to get them out and get them shined up to share. Have a blessed day!

  30. I would love to share tea and a long chat with you...a very beautiful table setting indeed...have a very blessed Lord's day....

  31. I think we should have a Silver Sunday tea party with that set. It's very pretty!

  32. Your tea set is just gorgeous, and your tablescape with your beautiful china is breathtaking. I love it all. Very pretty. Hugs, Marty

  33. It is true, some pieces are just fine as aged and tarnished, but if they can hold a shine, well then polish away. Nothing is as beautiful as a soft silver glow. Thanks for sharing.

  34. HI Deb
    I love your teasets and how wonderful to see them used and not just looking pretty.. I think I like a mixture of both tarnished and polished but isn't it great when they have that recent shine!! You table setting looks lovely.. the perfect place for tea. have a great week x Julie

  35. Beautiful tea sets and polished to perfection. Some pieces just need the shine...julie

  36. You've done a beautiful job with the presentation and polishing of your fabulous silver collection! It is magical to see the transformation when a silver piece is polished, sometimes the detail really shows better that way! Thanks for sharing. ~ Angela

  37. Hi Debra
    Love the tea pot, such a cute little shape!
    I am afraid I am one of them that likes the tarnish...but not if I am going to eat off it. Hope you have a lovely Sunday

  38. Debra, your pieces are so pretty. The tea set is gorgeous and your tray is a really great match. I love its handles, so intricate. Your china is lovely, I haven't seen it before and your home is just lovely. The yellow is so clean and refreshing! Thanks for sharing!

  39. How pretty, your table looks lovely, set infront of that container holding the Hydrangea, you know I love those. The tea tin is fabulous and the whole tea service is lovely! My favorite is the Crabtree & Evelyn...I noticed the tin right away!!
    Happy SS, enjoy your day!! xOxO Nerina

  40. Your tea set is beautiful. I enjoyed your post and want to warm up with some hot tea now myself!

  41. I LOVE your tea set! And I am like you... some silver things are OK tarnished. But, a tea set like yours (or like my tipping tea pot from the first Silver Sunday) I think they should shine! I love your English Breakfast tin too. Happy Silver Sunday! Charlene

  42. Silver is my favorite over gold any day. Thank you for sharing such beautiful china and silver. Blessings.

  43. Normally I'm a tarnished silver gal but I love your set! Blessings.. Polly

  44. Debra, I don't even know where to start for sure 'cause there is so much I love about your post. First I love how you have set your table and then there is the beautiful set with that amazing tray. I love the tray!!! Then there is your wedding china that reminds me of the prettiest garden. Please pass the biscuts!

  45. Just beautiful......I love tarnished, but I agree with you...this deserves to be shiney....have a beautiful week.....xojana

  46. Hi Debra, thanks for the tea! Your set is lovely and I like my silver shiny and polished too...most of it. I thin you got a great is lovely! You set a gorgeous table!

  47. Oh my gosh, you eat those digestible biscuits, too? My best friend introduced me to them years ago, and they always settle my stomach. I just had one a little while ago!

    Your silver looks mighty pretty all shiny, but you know me, a junker to the core. And lazy, too...that's TWO reasons I like mine tarnished! ;-)

    Big hugs for a wonderful week ahead!

  48. I love silver -- it is so pretty and your tea set is wonderful. I'm sure if it was black you got a bargain!

  49. Oh my gosh,I LOVE that tea tin, just love it!! Great post,hope this finds you well,Chrissy

  50. Oh - that is GORGEOUS!!! I love your silver AND your china!!! I want to definitely come have tea with you!!!

    Happy Monday!!!
    much love, robelyn

  51. I love that shiny silver too! I have a set that is my hubby's that is badly tarnished. I would love comments as to how to get badly tarnished (even has a grease buildup on it) shiny again...any input?

  52. See RNC, polished silver is SOOOOOO beautiful!! Debra, your table is lovely and looks like just the place I would like to spend a Sunday afternoon! I too pick up all sorts of silver "stuph" at garage sales, Salvation Army, etc.. Last week we had a party where I work, and used about 5 boxes of my pretties to do up the tables! It was great!
    Thanks for posting,

  53. Love your silver tea service! The best finds are flea markeet finds! Sorry my Sunday Silver visit is so late but I do love your silver post!

  54. magical! The beautiful items you have put together are a breathtaking mix. I find that much more interesting and enchanting than all matchy. you have an eye for mixing patterns and textures...

  55. Debra, you have inspired me to get out my silver and get it shined up! I packed it away a long time ago, when kids were little, because I didn't like it tarnished. Please head over to my blog to collect an award... thanks for sharing so much with me and the rest of blogworld.

    Capers of the vintage vixens

  57. Beautiful silver tea set and party setting. I hope you sat down and enjoyed all of this beauty.


  58. Hey Debra!
    Thanks for stopping by!!!!
    I love the Tea Set! It makes me want to sit down. munch on those wonderful cookies, and sip a spot of tea!
    Barb C.

  59. Debra, your tea time is perfect. Love the silver with the faience! ;-)


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