
Saturday, October 10, 2009

3 Little Punkins

My sweet friend Cindy, at The Yapping Cat Studio, is an amazingly talented woman. She is one of the organizers of Paper Cowgirl, and so very creative and whimsical in her art. You can also read about her here. She is a constant inspiration to me. About two months ago she had some teeny tiny paintings of cherries, pears, nests, etc. on her blog and then casually mentioned maybe painting some pumpkins for fall. Well, 'nough said, cause I jumped on that idea and ordered these. I like to do a "goodie" bag up for my girls for every holiday, and these are for their fall gift. (Oh yea, one's for moi!)
So Friday when I checked the mail, here they were. Well, I tore into them in the car, cause I just couldn't wait, and here's what I found!

Oh, so very CUTE!

And a sweet note from my Friend with tootsie rolls
 and Lollia, whoops, forgot to show those!

Oh, And I can't forget to show the them!

ALMOST as cute as the fronts!

Thank you Cindy, Love ya!



  1. I love them, Debra! So cute and autumnal. What a talented friend.

  2. You are most welcome my friend! And me - typical flaky artist - has it really been two months? good grief. LOL. What have I been doing? Seriously, glad that you like em! Assistant J will be glad that you liked the backs as well! ;D

    yapping cat

  3. Too cute girl!!

    Love the 'surprises' on the back.


    barbara jean

    PS Sure do appreciate all your visits. =0)

  4. Your painting are lovely! I haven't painted for years...somehow I need to fit that in to my time

  5. Absolutely adorable and so perfect for a gift bag. :)

  6. Love them, and especially the backs! :)

  7. Those are too cute. I will go check her blog out... perhaps she tells how to make them. Have a blessed day:)

  8. What beautiful pumpkins and lovely way for your girls to remember the love of their mom each time they display these holiday treats!

  9. Wow! Very creative! I enjoyed looking through Jen's etsy and Cindy's flickr photostream.

  10. Hey Debra!
    Love the beautiful Art Work! I wish I had been blessed with that tallent! My pal, Peg, is also a real Artist, she just amazes me... Girls like these, see an image, on the side of a gourd, for heaven sake!{or an old chair, or flower pot...} Their gears are always turnin'! What wonderful spirits!!!
    Barb C.

  11. VERY cute Debra! I love Cindy's work...she's a little talented Texan I tell ya!
    Your girls will just love them~
    everything vintage

  12. Dear Miss Debra-

    This comment really belongs on yesterday's post, but I wanted to make sure you saw it.

    You are a treasure. Period.
    Regardeless of our health issues ( I have atrial fibrillation), that is not who we are.

    You make many people's day, including me.



    I need to have a giveaway. Any advice? I am lost about the best way to do it.

  13. Super cute! I agree the backs are as good as the fronts!
    Hugs, Lisa

  14. Thanks for having the giveaway..and just for a moment...I though that I saw my name...Deb...but not Garage Sale Gal Deb :)
    Congrat's to the winners.
    The little artwork is darling, both sides. Have fun decorating with them.
    Deb :)

  15. Those are so cute! I love the size and the pumpkins are done very well.

  16. Hey Debra,
    Thanks for the kind words! Hope you can come see my 'Hide Away', some day... I would love to meet you! I feel like I already know you, and that's all that matters!
    Barb C.

  17. Debra,
    Hope all is well with you and your health. This is such a sweet post and your blog as always looks so beautiful. Look how you and your followers have grown so fast in such a short just shows your fabulous talent and kind friendship.
    A treasure you are!!! Be blessed Debra as you pass out sweetness may you recieve sweetness.

  18. Love them!
    I should make my girls goody boxes. Great idea. What a good mom you are!

  19. Wow those are the cutest ever:)


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