
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Not Quite Fall

Well, before you know it fall will be here, and with it a change in front porch decor. As I have said, I enjoy all the seasons, but fall is my favorite time of year. There is just something about the blue sky, autumn leaves, and lengthening shadows that speak to me. Oh, and don't forget the cooler temperatures, either! So before I put away my red sprinkler and bring out the orange one, I thought I'd share a few front porch photos.

Already time to trim the shrubs!

This is the first year I've planted "Million Bells", in the concrete basket.

I have been on a campaign this spring and summer to get the grass in shape. Bermuda grass that didn't make it and a multitude of weeds have been a huge problem. We live across the street from lake access, so there are plenty of varieties of unwanted specimens floating around. Deer also are a big problem. My hydrangea bush has been noticed and has taken a real beating, or "chewing", as the case may be. One year they ate all my impatiens that I had in a huge window box. It looked like a buzz saw took them out!
I hope you're enjoying the end of summer. We have had a good rain or two lately here in SW Missouri to keep things green, and the temps have been in the mid-to-upper 80's with upper 60's at night, so I can't complain too much. Our average peak temp was earlier in the week, so now I'm considering us on the downhill slide. Yeah Fall!

Can't wait for sweater weather!



  1. Very beautiful flowers! We still have at least another month to month and a half of heat here in Texas. Even the first couple weeks of October can somtimes be so hot that it's hard to wear full camo to deer hunt. I am looking forward to fall, though.

  2. Your porch and entry look so nice. It feels like fall with the kids starting back to school so early here. The darn school district is really upsetting my decorating rythym starting before Labor Day!

  3. Everything looks late summer lovely! I love fall myself. It felt like fall here in Northern Illinois yesterday. Just perfect weather.

  4. just beautiful, and how welcoming to come home to and when to greet company when they visit!

  5. Your porch is so inviting and beautiful. Thank you for sharing. I love Fall too. Have a nice weekend. Sandi

  6. So cute!I love your walkway.I am looking forward to fall myself.It will be a nice a change of colors and even for the halloween decorating.Decorating will be fun!!
    Fun Finds 2 U... Chickie

  7. Hello
    Your front porch looks lovely and it looks very summery :) Please no sweater weather yet! I love the fall but I like it warm, winters are soooooo long here in the midwes. I find it harder and harder to must be my age :)

  8. Your home is very lovely and your front porch very inviting. I love the semi-twisted trunk of your front tree. I can tell you put alot of love and care into your home.... thanks for the peek at your home.

  9. I want you to ship the bunny with the lopped ear to me. I'll name it Debra and think fondly of you each time I look at it. Promise. ~Mindy

  10. How beautiful! I love seeing other people's front porches. What an inviting space yours is,Debra. I think I've just fallen in love with a bunny in this post.

  11. Your home is lovely!! I so can not wait for fall,I am sick to death of heat and humidity!! Always love coming over here,talk soon,Chrissy

  12. I love your landscaping and entry. I would feel welcomed walking up to your porch before you ever opened the door with a glass of iced tea for me! I'm holding my breath for fall. While I love Texas...I hate the heat! Go figure!!!


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