
Monday, June 15, 2009

God Whispers

Have you ever had a thought or a phrase that seems to come "out of the blue"? One that rolls around in your mind, and that just keeps coming back up? Maybe you think of a friend, or aquaintance and then unexpectedly run in to them. Or find that a short delay, which annoying at the time, saves you from a problem? Some people would say, yeah, that's ESP or psychic. I prefer to think of these little mysteries as "God Whispers".
That's where the phrase "Common Ground" fits in my life. Many years ago I was asked to teach a ladies Bible Study at our church. I had never done this before, and I was afraid that what I had to say and teach would not be interesting or relevant to the women there, but in my heart I knew that if I was just "myself" and talked about the things I was dealing with in life and how God helped me, that we would all find something to have in common; to grab ahold of and to incorporate it into our own life...each person would find some "common ground". So when several years ago I began in this crazy existence of antiquing, junkin', collecting, buying, selling, designing, eating, breathing, sleeping old chippy "stuff", that is the name that was "whispered" to me. Common Ground.
So as I begin this new endeavor, big or small, I hope that each one of you finds something to take with you. A picture, a thought, an idea... a blessing.
May you always be quiet enough to hear God's whispers.


  1. Debra, I did a very similar post to this one awhile back and I couldn't agree with you more! Welcome my friend and I can't wait to see where the adventures in this blogland will lead you, Theresa

  2. Debra, it's so good to hear from you! I'm glad you have come into blogging. I know Leola's misses you. I was sorry to hear you weren't there when I dropped by in May. This post is just wonderful! I look forward to reading what you have to say to blogland. ~Mindy

  3. Awwwwww Deb, absolutely wonderful. A kindred spirit for sure. Delighted to find ya and I've added you to my ever expanding (much like my waistband) blog roll.

    I look forward to more wonderful visits here.
    yapping cat

  4. Thought I would go all the way back to your beginning - or at least your blog's - and see just how it has unfolded.

    I love hearing God's whispers to me. His are the ones that make sense, especially when nothing else does!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  5. Speaking to the future you. I love that you kept to the original thoughts behind your blog, Debra. A picture, a thought, an idea, a blessing. Stay quiet while listening - I am holding you close in prayer. Be well.

  6. Happy 5th Year Anniversary!!! May we all continue to listen as God whispers...

  7. I think you've accomplished your original vision beautifully, Debra. Happy 5th anniversary!


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